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ACOM 2S1 Automatic Two Transceiver Commutators

ACOM 2S1 Automatic Two Transceiver Commutators
Price: $499.00

Weight: 1.5kgs

ACOM 2S1 Automatic Two Transceiver Commutators are transmit/receive switches that allow two transceivers to use a common load, which can be either an ... more info

ACOM 2000SW Remote Antenna Switch & Controller

ACOM 2000SW Remote Antenna Switch & Controller
Price: $1,199.00

Weight: 8kgs

ACOM 2000SW Remote Antenna Switch is a very ruggedly built 10 antennas to 1 coax switch for outdoor use. This switch is useable up to 60 MHz, and up ... more info

ACOM 03AT Automatic Antenna Tuner

ACOM 03AT Automatic Antenna Tuner
Price: $25,995.00

Weight: 10kgs

The Automatic HF Antenna Tuning Unit (AATU) model ACOM03AT is a complete and self-contained unit for automatic matching of HF balanced or unbalanced ... more info

ACOM 04AT Remote Automatic Antenna Tuner

ACOM 04AT Remote Automatic Antenna Tuner
Price: $1,899.00

Weight: 10kgs

FEATURES: Remote matching of antennas manifests in less losses in the feed line. Designed for installation in a shack, under a shed, or in the open ... more info

ACOM 600S Solid State Amplifier 600 Watts

ACOM 600S Solid State Amplifier 600 Watts
Price: $3,995.00

Weight: 15kgs

FEATURES • 5" (108 x 65mm) high resolution color display, 800x480 pixels and 24-bits colours. • The final stage uses field effect ... more info

ACOM 1000 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1000 Watts

ACOM 1000 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1000 Watts
Price: $3,595.00

Weight: 30kgs

FEATURES The ACOM 1000 HF Linear Amplifier is the world's best value in an amateur HF amplifier. The ACOM 1000 gives you a 1000 Watts ... more info

ACOM 1010 HF + 6 Meter Bands 700 Watts

ACOM 1010 HF + 6 Meter Bands 700 Watts
Price: $2,695.00

Weight: 25kgs

FEATURES Easy Operation The plateload True Resistance Indicator (TRI) is an ACOM innovation that provides quick and precise tuning, typically in ... more info

ACOM 1200S HF + 6 Meter Bands 1200 Watts

ACOM 1200S HF + 6 Meter Bands 1200 Watts
Price: $4,595.00

Weight: 15kgs

FEATURES: Five inch (5”) (108x65mm) high resolution color display, 800x480 pixels and 24-bits colours. The final stage uses field effect ... more info

ACOM 1500 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1500 Watts

ACOM 1500 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1500 Watts
Price: $4,995.00

Weight: 30kgs

FEATURES Easy to Operate The TRI is a powerful tuning aid that, together with the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to ... more info

ACOM 2100 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1500 Watts

ACOM 2100 HF + 6 Meter Bands 1500 Watts
Price: $5,495.00

Weight: 30kgs

FEATURES Easy to Operate The TRI is a powerful tuning aid that, together with the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to ... more info

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